

I can work with you in-person or online for:
– eating disorders
– ‘not quite’ an eating disorder
– need to lose weight without dieting
– feeding fussy kids
– sports nutrition

Rediscover the joy of food freedom

Health professionals

I offer comprehensive
professional development
for nutrition coaches of all kinds
on the topic of
disordered eating

Rediscover the joy of transforming lives

I’m Lucy Carey, a registered dietitian and lifestyle medicine professional with a decade of experience helping clients heal their relationship with food.

My passion lies not only in guiding my own clients from disordered eating to food freedom, but teaching other health professionals how to do the same with their clients. If diet culture dies with each of us, it will slowly die out completely – that’s my dream.

  • red eat neon sign turned on

    Permission to binge

    “You’re kidding me,” she said, mouth agog. “Absolutely not,” I replied. “I’m deadly serious. You need to give yourself permission to binge. If that need overwhelms you, I want you to binge.” “But… but…” “You’re afraid you’ll gain weight.” “Well, yeah. I can’t just go around binge eating, I’ll explode. I thought these sessions were…


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    Visualization – using neuroscience to hack health

    Vision is our most dominant sense. In fact, just seeing someone do something can create new neural connections in our brains (that’s the way most children learn to do things, right? By watching the people around them). Visualization taps in to this. You imagine yourself doing something, like giving a great speech, and your brain…


  • person standing on shores

    What is grounding and does it work?

    “Where are Daddy’s crocs?” My son asked, searching fruitlessly for the pair of old crocs we leave outside the back door. “Not sure but you don’t need them anyway. Get the feijoas in your bare feet because – “ “It’s good for me, I know. Grounding.” He did a phenomenal eye roll and proceeded to…


  • woman sleeping

    Overcome your fears while fast asleep

    I clambered down the stairs, clutching my newborn to my chest tightly and praying the sound of running feet on the floors above us would muffle our own scramble to safety. My heart beat wildly as my brain whirred through every scenario before us. The exits were all blocked. Our best option was to hide.…


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